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Mybatis get clob field

We want to get a clob field in a annotation based call to a oracle function. This function return a CLOB field Oracle. We have this code:

@Select("{ #{result,  javaType=java.lang.String ,jdbcType = CLOB, mode=OUT } = call pkg_exportacion_datos.f_recupera_dgp_pac( "
        + "#{cipAuto, jdbcType=VARCHAR, mode=IN},#{idExplotacion, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN} )}")
    @Options(statementType = StatementType.CALLABLE)
        value = {
              property = "result",
              column = "result",
              javaType = String.class)
String getListadoDGPPaciente(String cipAuto,long idExplotacion,String result);

We can debug in ClobTypeHandler on method private String toString(Clob clob) throws SQLException and inside this method field CLOB has a valid value, but this value not return inside variable result. Inside variable resul set a null value.

Can anybody help me?



  • The method should look as follows:

      "= call pkg_exportacion_datos.f_recupera_dgp_pac(",
    @Options(statementType = StatementType.CALLABLE)
    void getListadoDGPPaciente(ParamBean param);

    Note that the result is returned as an OUT parameter, not the method return value.
    So, you should use @Update or @Insert instead of @Select.
    And to receive the OUT parameter, the method parameter must be a Map or a bean like the following.

    public class ParamBean {
      private String cipAuto;
      private long idExplotacion;
      private String result;
      // getters / setters

    The code that calls the method would look as follows.

    ParamBean param = new ParamBean();
    return param.getResult(); // returns the CLOB as a String