I have a bunch of fixtures generated by the backend, and named based on the hash of the request body. I am trying to find a way to load fixtures dynamically based on the sent request, something like this:
cy.intercept('POST', '**/login', (req) => {
const hash = md5(req.body);
cy.fixture(`${hash}.json`).then(data => {
req.reply(res => {
res.statusCode = data.statusCode;
res.body = data.body;
cy.contains('button', 'Login').click();
cy.contains('Invalid credentials.');
But every time I try to load a fixture inside an intercept, I get the following error:
The following error originated from your test code, not from Cypress.
> A request callback passed to cy.intercept() threw an error while intercepting a request:
Cypress detected that you returned a promise from a command while also invoking one or more cy commands in that promise.
The command that returned the promise was:
> cy.wait()
The cy command you invoked inside the promise was:
> cy.fixture()
Is there any way, I could possibly load fixtures dynamically based on something inside the request?
You can just read the fixture first
cy.fixture('login_incorrect.json').then(data => { // may not need it, but in case...
cy.intercept('POST', '**/login', (req) => {
const body = JSON.parse(req.body);
if(body.password === 'wrongpassword') {
req.reply(res => {
res.statusCode = data.statusCode; // data = closure from above
res.body = data.body;
} else {
// load a different fixture based on something, etc.
Combined fixture
"put-first-hash-here": {
statusCode: ...,
body: ...
"put-second-hash-here": {
statusCode: ...,
body: ...
cy.fixture('combined.json').then(data => {
cy.intercept('POST', '**/login', (req) => {
const body = JSON.parse(req.body);
const hash = md5(req.body);
if(body.password === 'wrongpassword') {
req.reply(res => {
res.statusCode = data[hash].statusCode;
res.body = data[hash].body;