I want to create an external table using redshift spectrum, files are stored in s3 as json file having a single object with values as an array of objects
my query for the external table
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE jatinspectrum.extable (
enteries array<struct<title:varchar(4000),link:varchar(4000),author:varchar(4000),published_date:timestamp,category:array<varchar(4000)>>>
stored as json
LOCATION 's3://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/';
it throws an error ERROR: syntax error at or near "json" Position: 198
just to make sure that i am syntactically right i saved it as text file using another query
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE jatinspectrum.extab (
enteries array<struct<title:varchar(4000),link:varchar(4000),author:varchar(4000),published_date:timestamp,category:array<varchar(4000)>>>
stored as textfile
LOCATION 's3://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/';
this worked perfectly but this won't help me since nested data is not supported for text query.
This worked for me, need to changes this stored as textfile
to this
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
stored as textfile