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postMessage() cross-origin iframe javascript

I am trying to communicate with cross-origin resources using postMessage(), but am unable to get it to work properly. I have reviewed dozens of other similar questions, but am still stuck.

(,, How can I do cross-domain postMessage?, etc.)

I have this working on the same origin, but when I move to a different origin, I get a standard corss-origin error.

Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin ... from accessing a cross-origin frame.

I call postMessage() twice. Once on page load using the wildcard - which is working. And once using a delcared origin - which is what I need, but can't get to work.


        <button class="site-btn" onclick="initChatIfr();">Load Iframe</button>
        <iframe lws-ifr="demo-ifr" lws-ifr-status='inactive'></iframe>
        const ifrEle = document.querySelector('[lws-ifr="chat-ifr"]');
        function initChatIfr() {
            ifrEle.src = '';
            ifrEle.setAttribute('lws-ifr-status', 'active');

        function listener(e) {
            const acceptedOrigins = ['', '', 'http://localhost:3000'];
            if ('close') < 0 || acceptedOrigins.indexOf(e.origin) < 0) {
                console.log('   not a close event or an unapproved ifr origin')
            } else {
                console.log(' approved ifr origin')
                ifrEle.setAttribute('lws-ifr-status', 'inactive');
                setTimeout(function() {
                    ifrEle.src = '';

        if (window.addEventListener){
            addEventListener("message", listener, false);
        } else {
            attachEvent("onmessage", listener);


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button class="site-btn cancel-btn" onclick="closeParentIframe();">Close Iframe</button>
        const acceptedHosts = ['', '', 'localhost:3000'];
        function closeParentIframe() {
            const pOrigin = parent.origin;
            const pHost =;
            if (acceptedHosts.indexOf(pHost) > -1) {
                console.log(' APPROVED parent origin', pOrigin);
                parent.postMessage('close', pOrigin);
            } else {
                console.log(' UNAPPROVED parent origin', pOrigin);
        console.log('ifr loaded');
        parent.postMessage("hi from the ifr " + location.href, '*');

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


  • Looks like the problem is in your child script, you are trying to access parent.origin as well as which is causing the error because it's not allowed given the cross-origin concerns.

    If you want to get the domain of the parent from the child code, you can instead use document.location.ancestorOrigins[0. However, it seems like this is currently not supported on any version Firefox (updated 2022). See

    Other than that, the rest looks okay.

    Here's a thread about options how to get the parent's domain from the iFrame: