I am trying to get the Least significant 4 bits of one word and the most significant 12 bits of another word and concatenate them into a single word. I am working in C, which I haven't worked with much in the past.
int a;
int b;
int c;
int a_masked;
int b_masked;
a = 0x1234;
b = 0xABCD;
a_masked = a & 0X000F;
b_masked = b & 0xFFF0;
c = ((a_masked << 12) || b_masked >> 4);
printf("%d", c);
C should be 4ABC, but my result is 1.
operator, which you used, is a logical OR operator and it returns 0 or 1.
You should use a bitwise OR operator |
(one vertical line, not two).