I am working on application that writes to Kafka queue which is read by other application. When I am unable to send message on Kafka due to network or other reason, I need to write messages during Kafka down time to other place e.g Oracle or local file system, so that I don't loose messages generated during down time.Problem with oracle or other DB is it too can go down. Is there any recommendations about how could I achieve fail safe during Kafka down time.
Number of messages generated are approx 20-25 million per day. For messages stored during downtime I am planning to have batch job to re send them to destination application once target application is up again.
Thank you
You can push those messages into a cloud based messaging service like SQS. It supports around 3K messages per second.
There is also a connector that allows you to push back the messages into Kafka directly, with no other headaches.
If you can't export the data out of your local network, then maybe a cluster of RabbitMQ instances may help, although it wouldn't be a plug & play solution.