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Efficient comparison of 2 integers against another 2

I have a piece of code used for comparison which is in a hot path being called millions of times. After benchmarking, that piece of code is a candidate for optimization.

Basically, I have 2 integers c and m. Comparing two objects involves first checking c then if c is equal on both sides, then comparison is decided by their m value.

c can only be in the range [0-100]

m can only be in the range [0-200]

pseudo code

if this.c < other.c return -1; // Or any negative number
if this.c > other.c return 1;  // Or any positive number
// Both objects have equal 'c' value
if this.m < other.m return -1; // Or any negative number
if this.m > other.m return 1;  // Or any positive number
// Both 'c' and 'm' are equal
return 0;

The following C# code is what I currently have

int CompareTo(Obj other)
    => _c < other._c || (_c == other._c && _m < other._m)
        ? -1
        : _c == other._c && _m == other._m
            ? 0
            : 1;

I am wondering if this could be optimized any further, perhaps with bit-manipulation?



  • c can only be in the range [0-100]
    m can only be in the range [0-200]

    Given the ranges, each of c, m fit into a single (unsigned) byte, so they can be packed together into an integer cm = c * 256 + m, or cm = (c << 8) | m using only bitwise ops.

    Since only the sign of the compare function matters (as clarified in a comment), two such integers can then be compared by direct subtraction.

    int CompareTo(Obj other)  =>  ((_c << 8) | _m) - ((other._c << 8) | other._m)

    The above is branchless and uses only bitwise/arithmetic operators, so it should fare well against nested comparisons for most distributions of c, m values.