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How to create a generic CRUD controller test in Spock

Is it even possible to create generic unit test for Spring controller in Spock? I have a abstract controller in Spring Boot, which is extended by a few specific controllers. The result is every controller have the same implementation of CRUD. So, for now I want to create similar unit tests for these controllers, but I cant use constructors in Spock Tests. I get error

Error:(16, 5) Groovyc: Constructors are not allowed; instead, define a 'setup()' or 'setupSpec()' method
Error:(7, 5) Groovyc: Constructors are not allowed; instead, define a 'setup()' or 'setupSpec()' method

For belowe code

abstract class CrudControllerTest<T, R extends JpaRepository<T, Long>, C extends CrudController<T,R>> extends Specification {
    private String endpoint
    private def repository
    private def controller
    private MockMvc mockMvc
    CrudControllerTest(def endpoint, R repository, C controller) {
        this.endpoint = endpoint
        this.repository = repository
        this.controller = controller
        this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build()
    def "Should get 404 when product does not exists"() {
        repository.findById(1) >> Optional.empty()
        def response = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(endpoint + '/1')).andReturn().response
        response.status == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value()
class IngredientControllerTest extends CrudControllerTest<Ingredient, IngredientRepository, IngredientController> {
    IngredientControllerTest() {
        def repository = Mock(IngredientRepository)
        super("/ingredients", repository, new IngredientController(Mock(repository)))

Is here any other way to implement generic unit test in Spock?


  • You can't use constructors for Specifications instead you can use the template method pattern. Either with separate methods:

    abstract class CrudControllerTest extends Specification {
        private String endpoint
        private def repository
        private def controller
        private MockMvc mockMvc
        def setup() {
            endpoint = createEndpoint()
            repository = createRepository()
            controller = createController()
            mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build()
        abstract createEndpoint()
        abstract createRepository()
        abstract createController()
        def "Should get 404 when product does not exists"() {
            repository.findById(1) >> Optional.empty()
            def response = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(endpoint + '/1')).andReturn().response
            response.status == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value()
    class IngredientControllerTest extends CrudControllerTest<Ingredient, IngredientRepository, IngredientController> {
        def createEndpoint() {
        def createRepository {
        def createController() {
            new IngredientController(repository)

    or with a method that returns everything, which is a bit nicer as some of your values need to reference the other value:

    abstract class CrudControllerTest extends Specification {
        private String endpoint
        private def repository
        private def controller
        private MockMvc mockMvc
        def setup() {
            (endpoint, repository, controller) = createSut()
            mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build()
        abstract createSut()
        def "Should get 404 when product does not exists"() {
            repository.findById(1) >> Optional.empty()
            def response = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(endpoint + '/1')).andReturn().response
            response.status == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value()
    class IngredientControllerTest extends CrudControllerTest<Ingredient, IngredientRepository, IngredientController> {
        def createSut() {
            def repo = Mock(IngredientRepository)
            ["/ingredients", repo, new IngredientController(repository)]