I would like to develop a Blazor component to wrap Azure Maps javascript. The first step is to display the map on the page.
Usually, with javascript, it is done this way :
let map = new atlas.Map('mapContainer', {
view: 'Auto',
center: [2.35405, 43.855103],
authOptions: {
subscriptionKey: <subscriptionKey>
With Blazor, JS cannot be directly handle this way. So, I have to use JSRuntime to write this code :
mapsModule = await jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import", "https://atlas.microsoft.com/sdk/javascript/mapcontrol/2/atlas.min.js");
// The following is using custom c# code
MapAuthOptions authOptions = new MapAuthOptions();
authOptions.subscriptionKey = this.subscriptionKey;
authOptions.authType = AuthenticationType.subscriptionKey;
MapOptions options = new MapOptions();
options.authOptions = authOptions;
options.showFeedbackLink = false;
options.showLogo = false;
options.maxZoom = 22;
options.zoom = 4;
options.view = "Auto";
options.style = "road";
// this line crash
await mapsModule.InvokeAsync<object>("atlas.Map", "mapContainer", options);
I wonder how to call classic JS constructor. To be more precise, how to call new atlas.Map() with InvokeAsync and Blazor ?
I have been developing such a solution for a couple of months now. You can take a look at the implementation here and use this Nuget package.
My decision to create a new instance of map was basically to expose a static method which would create the map. Something like that in typescript :
public static addMap(mapId: string,
configuration: Configuration,
serviceOptions: azmaps.ServiceOptions,
enabledEvents: string[],
eventHelper: EventHelper<MapEventArgs>): void {
const map = new azmaps.Map(mapId, serviceOptions);
Basically I wrap the calls to the atlas
library into static methods.
After that, the calls to your scripts are quite easy using your instance of IJsRuntime
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync(Constants.JsConstants.Methods.Core.AddMap.ToCoreNamespace(),