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Z-Index not applying in Wordpress with Sticky Header

I have a problem that a z-index property is not applying. Is there a concrete dependency to other properties?

It looks right now like that, the Avada Theme sticky header is above everything: enter image description here

The z-index of the header menu is "only" 10011: enter image description here

Even if I set a style on ".fdm-ordering-sidescreen" with z-index to 200000, it is not above the menu. WHY is that? Shouldn't it become on top?

-> Click once on "add to cart" for a menu item, than click on the shopping cart icon and scroll!


  • You can try to unset the z-index value of .fusion-fullwidth .fusion-row to z-index: unset

    enter image description here

    Because now even when you set .fdm-ordering-sidescreen to 200000, it is calculated as 10.200000 courtesy of the z-index set on one of its parent .fusion-fullwidth .fusion-row.


    enter image description here