I am trying to parse some data that is in a JSON Array so that I can use it in my project. The values are used in plotting functions for visualizing orbits, I have completed literally everything for the project besides this task. To do the parse the JSON I am attempting to use LitJSon but am having no luck. If anyone can provide some insight as to how I should do this it would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the JSON format that I have:
URL: https://5289daa5c202.ngrok.io/api/tle
"SatNum": "47757",
"Epoch": "21076.58335648",
"MMotDeriv": "-.01183622",
"inclination": "53.0445",
"RAAN": "118.1488",
"Eccentricity": "0001096",
"ArgPerigee": "64.2393",
"MAnomaly": "229.2271",
"MMotion": "15.76357572"
}, {
"SatNum": "47758",
"Epoch": "21076.83334491",
"MMotDeriv": "-.01182939",
"inclination": "53.0463",
"RAAN": "116.9104",
"Eccentricity": "0001165",
"ArgPerigee": "60.1537",
"MAnomaly": "211.8085",
"MMotion": "15.75727878"
To fetch data from a server use the new UnityWebRequest
class. example:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class MyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public string json;
void Start()
IEnumerator GetText()
using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get("http://www.my-server.com"))
yield return www.Send();
if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
// Show results as text
json = www.downloadHandler.text;
// Or retrieve results as binary data
byte[] results = www.downloadHandler.data;
You can then use JsonUtility
to convert it to c# class you have to make an object class with variable and use the json data as constructor.
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerInfo
public string name;
public int lives;
public float health;
public static PlayerInfo CreateFromJSON(string jsonString)
return JsonUtility.FromJson<PlayerInfo>(jsonString);
// Given JSON input:
// {"name":"Dr Charles","lives":3,"health":0.8}
// this example will return a PlayerInfo object with
// name == "Dr Charles", lives == 3, and health == 0.8f.