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Showing google Recaptcha V3 floater only on specific Pages of React Application

i've react application with multiple # routes & google recaptcha v3,

i want to show recaptcha floater only on specific pages (# route) like login & forms.

How to achieve this.

Tried -

.grecaptcha-badge { 
    visibility: hidden;
#root #mainContainer .login:not(.empty) +  div>.grecaptcha-badge { 
    visibility: visible;

.grecaptcha-badge { 
    visibility: hidden;
#root #mainContainer .login ~ div>.grecaptcha-badge { 
    visibility: visible;

showing hiding by javascript > componentWillMount - > page's componentwillmount calls before the google recaptcha renders, so it dont get the element


  • Declare this outside your component:

    const toggleCaptchaBadge = (show: boolean) => {
      const badge = document.getElementsByClassName('grecaptcha-badge')[0];
      if (badge && badge instanceof HTMLElement) { = show ? 'visible' : 'hidden';

    Inside call this useEffect hook:

    useEffect(() => {
        return () => toggleCaptchaBadge(false);
      }, []);