I have a project where I am asked to include at least one structural design pattern, and I chose the a desktop app for food delivery, my thoughts where that I have an abstract class FoodElement that derives VeganFoodElement and a NormalFoodElement. Now for each category I can either choose a dish or a drink, can I separate them this way?
public abstract class FoodElement {
private String elementName;
private float elementPrice;
public abstract void showFoodElement();
public abstract float getPrice();
public class NormalFoodElement extends FoodElement{
private TypeElementRepas elementNormal;
public void afficherElementRepas() {}
public float getPrix() {}
public interface TypeFoodElement {
void showAttributes();
public class Drink implements TypeFoodElement {
private int sugarQuantity=0;
public void showAttributes() {}
public void addSugar() {
this.sugarQuantity += 1;
public class Dish implements TypeFoodElement {
public void showAttributes() { }
I recommend that you choose the Decorator pattern. This pattern helps you to use some elements to make new elements. For Example new Seafood(new BasicFood())
You can read more here
And here an example
public interface Food {
public String prepareFood();
public double foodPrice();
}// End of the Food interface.
public class VegFood implements Food {
public String prepareFood(){
return "Veg Food";
public double foodPrice(){
return 50.0;
public abstract class FoodDecorator implements Food{
private Food newFood;
public FoodDecorator(Food newFood) {
public String prepareFood(){
return newFood.prepareFood();
public double foodPrice(){
return newFood.foodPrice();
public class NonVegFood extends FoodDecorator{
public NonVegFood(Food newFood) {
public String prepareFood(){
return super.prepareFood() +" With Roasted Chiken and Chiken Curry ";
public double foodPrice() {
return super.foodPrice()+150.0;
public class ChineeseFood extends FoodDecorator{
public ChineeseFood(Food newFood) {
public String prepareFood(){
return super.prepareFood() +" With Fried Rice and Manchurian ";
public double foodPrice() {
return super.foodPrice()+65.0;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
public class DecoratorPatternCustomer {
private static int choice;
public static void main(String args[]) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
System.out.print("========= Food Menu ============ \n");
System.out.print(" 1. Vegetarian Food. \n");
System.out.print(" 2. Non-Vegetarian Food.\n");
System.out.print(" 3. Chineese Food. \n");
System.out.print(" 4. Exit \n");
System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
switch (choice) {
case 1:{
VegFood vf=new VegFood();
System.out.println( vf.foodPrice());
case 2:{
Food f1=new NonVegFood((Food) new VegFood());
System.out.println( f1.foodPrice());
case 3:{
Food f2=new ChineeseFood((Food) new VegFood());
System.out.println( f2.foodPrice());
System.out.println("Other than these no food available");
}//end of switch