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Ace Editor in PHP Web App

I am making a small web app that allows users to submit html, css and javascript content via Ace Editor. In this editor, echoing stored content into the editor is simply enough however I cannot find anyway to submit a users input to the database. I can see there is a textarea generated by the JavaScript however I'm not exactly sure what it is doing, how to get to it or if I should be looking for something else entirely.

I'm primarily looking for a field or something that I can use to have php submit into the db.


  • The contents of the edit window are available with the session getValue method. For example, here is an extension to the standard ACE demo for save file:

    saveFile = function() {
        var contents = env.editor.getSession().getValue();
                {contents: contents },
                function() {
                        // add error checking
                        alert('successful save');

    I added the saveFile call to the already existing "Fake Save" that is in demo.js. I replace the alert with code like this:

    // Fake-Save, works from the editor and the command line.
        name: "save",
        bindKey: {
            win: "Ctrl-S",
            mac: "Command-S",
            sender: "editor|cli"
        exec: function() {

    The php file is just one line:

    $r = file_put_contents("foo.txt", $_POST["contents"]) or die("can't open file");