I need to replace substrings of all elements in an object.
E.g. replace all 'X' in val1 and val2:
"input": [
"val1": "008 X 148",
"val2": "SOME X DATA"
"val1": "X 005 5PM",
"val2": "SOME X DATA"
"val1": "MODTOX",
"val2": "X SOME X DATA"
My first intention was to use $map and then $each, like this:
$map(input, function($i)
{ $each($i, function($s)
{ $replace($s, "X", "Y" )
, but as expected, this destroys the object.
Any suggestion? Finally 'input' should still be of same structure.
You need to use the transform operator to modify a copy of the input data:
$ ~> | input | $each(function($v, $n){{$n: $replace($v, "X", "Y") }} ) ~> $merge() |