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Kotlin Reflection - Returns an instance with set properties values based on it's property name

I'm trying to create a function that returns any data class object setting it's property values with its property names (if all strings) without changing it's default values I have an example on how it is:

Imagine this data class:

data class StudentProfile(

    var fullName: String = "",

    var mobilePhone: String = "",

    var birthDate: String = "",

    var email: String = ""


I want to keep this empty default values, but I wanted a generic function that should work for any class and returns (in this case) this:

return StudentProfile( 
                mobilePhone = "mobilePhone",
                fullName = "fullName",
                email = "email",
                birthDate = "birthDate"

Is it possible?


  • This does sound like an X-Y problem (I can't imagine how it would be useful), but I thought it'd be fun to solve anyway.

    I'm unclear about whether you want to replace default values or not (since you say you don't but your example does), so this example lets you choose.

    Explanation: Make sure all of the constructor's parameters are Strings or optional (have defaults). Otherwise, this is impossible because non-String parameter values could not be specified. Then filter the parameters list to include only the ones we are setting to their own name, and associate them to their names to create a Map<KParameter, String> that we can pass to constructor.callBy.

    fun <T: Any> produceWithPropertiesByOwnName(type: KClass<T>, overrideDefaults: Boolean): T {
        val constructor = type.primaryConstructor!!
        val parameters = constructor.parameters
        if (!parameters.all { param -> param.type.classifier == String::class || param.isOptional }){
            error("Class $type primary constructor has required non-String parameters.")
        val valuesByParameter = parameters.filter { it.type.classifier == String::class && (!it.isOptional || overrideDefaults) }
        return constructor.callBy(valuesByParameter)