I have downloaded the Demo App provided by Azure Portal, which implements Azure Cognitive Search. I've been trying to change the number of results per page to a different value, but I could not find any solution. The default number of results per page is 50. There are ways to change it if we created the code from scratch, but I am looking for an easier way to just plug it. As mentioned in the link https://github.com/jj09/azsearch.js we could alter the options using automagic, but no such way found to alter the number of results per page. Would be a great help if anyone could give me a solution for this.
You can specify the number of results using $top in the url. In the link you've shared, there's this setting:
type SuggestionsParametersUpdate = {
top?: number;
filter?: string;
orderby?: string;
fuzzy?: boolean;
highlightPreTag?: string;
highlightPostTag?: string;
select?: string;
searchFields?: string;
minimumCoverage?: string;
apiVersion?: SearchApiVersion;
suggesterName?: string;
try setting top parameter with value you want.