I was watching a c++ tutorial about the "->" operator on youtube (the link ) in 2:48 of the tutorial. He wrote the code
int main()
{ScopedPtr entity = new Entity();}
from what I understand about instantiating class, the class behind new keyword should be the same as the class you are instantiating. Pls explain how this work and why it work.
FYI: I'm a beginner to coding and I do not have have guide books or anything I'm currently learning C++ from the youtube channel called Cherno, and whenever I don't understand something I just search up on the internet and go into website
Yes it may happen for instance when you create a pointer to an implementation of your classes where ScopedPtr
is a pointer to the implementation of Entity
You could have some documentation here or here
#include <iostream>
class Entity
//only for test
void print()
std::cout << " print";
class ScopedPtr
ScopedPtr(Entity* d) { implem = d;}
~ScopedPtr(){ delete implem;}
//only for test
void print()
Entity* implem;
int main()
ScopedPtr entity = new Entity();