I am using ngrok to expose my localhost on a raspberry pi, and ngrok is password protected. I am using Django on another computer outside my network to access a webpage(simple server) on this raspberry pi. I don't want to manually type in the username and password to ngrok.
How can I automatically fill in the ngrok user/password, which is a popup in chrome asking for user and password?
What I've tried:
I first tried using JS in my template, just using a fetch request:
but chrome threw an error in the console saying I can't pass in credentials in plain text like this, rightfully so...
I then tried to use python requests:
UN= "myuser"
PWD = "mypassword"
loginURL = "https://myngrokdomain.ngrok.io"
client = requests.session()
login_data = dict(username=UN, password=PWD,)
r = client.post(loginURL, data=login_data)
This returned a 401 access denied
r.headers + r.reason
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized {'Content-Length': '16', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Www-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="ngrok"', 'Date': 'Tue, 16 Mar 2021 15:22:15 GMT'}
The authentication method used by ngrok is called HTTP Basic Auth. To use it with the requests library you pass login and password as a tuple in the auth
r = client.post(loginURL, auth=(UN, PWD))