I'm using Boost.Log V2 1.75.0 and setting up my environment from configuration file by using boost::log::init_from_stream(config);
Is it possible to declare colored console sink trough configuration file or is there any way add colored output to the console?
Now, I add as many Console sink as many log level available in Boost Trivial Logger and filter them by distinct level, but I don't think, that this is the right way. Example:
Filter="%Severity% = trace"
Format="\033[0;35m[%TimeStamp%] [%ProcessId%] [%ThreadId%] [%Severity%] - %Message%\033[0m"
Filter="%Severity% = debug"
Format="\033[0;34m[%TimeStamp%] [%ProcessId%] [%ThreadId%] [%Severity%] - %Message%\033[0m"
... and so on...
I have found the SO post suggested by @AndreySemashev, but I don't really understand, how can I accommodate it into my project: My key expectation is that I want to configure Boost.Log via file, so:
is a Console type sink that won't be instantiated if there is no such section in the config file)sink->set_formatter(&coloring_formatter);
Are these observations correct, or do I miss something?
Thank you
Creating a formatter with coloring support is described in another answer, here I will focus on how to incorporate that formatter into a settings file.
Boost.Log supports extending its settings file parser by registering sink factories, which you can leverage in your case. Since you can reuse the text_ostream_backend
for output, you don't have to implement a new sink, but you do need to customize its configuration.
class colored_console_factory :
public logging::sink_factory< char >
// Creates the sink with the provided parameters
boost::shared_ptr< sinks::sink > create_sink(settings_section const& settings)
typedef sinks::text_ostream_backend backend_t;
auto backend = boost::make_shared< backend_t >();
boost::shared_ptr< std::ostream >(&std::clog, boost::null_deleter()));
// Read settings and configure the backend accordingly
if (auto auto_flush = settings["AutoFlush"])
backend->auto_flush(*auto_flush == "1" || *auto_flush == "true");
auto sink =
boost::make_shared< sinks::synchronous_sink< backend_t > >(backend);
// You can reuse filter and formatter parsers provided by Boost.Log
if (auto filter = settings["Filter"])
if (auto format = settings["Format"])
logging::formatter fmt = logging::parse_formatter(*format);
// Wrap the parsed formatter with coloring
return sink;
In the above, coloring_formatter
is a function object that wraps the parsed formatter with coloring prefix and suffix in the output. The function object must have the standard signature of the formatter.
class coloring_formatter
typedef void result_type;
typedef basic_formatting_ostream< char > stream_type;
explicit coloring_formatter(logging::formatter&& fmt) :
result_type operator() (
logging::record_view const& rec, stream_type& strm) const
// Output coloring prefix
auto severity = rec[logging::trivial::severity];
if (severity)
switch (severity.get())
// Let the wrapped formatter produce its output
m_fmt(rec, strm);
// Output coloring suffix
if (severity)
logging::formatter m_fmt;
Refer to the answer I mentioned earlier for details on coloring_formatter