Presently iam working on a project that uses elliptic curve. Please provide me a solution that determines whether a point is on the elliptic curve or not? and also how to get a point on the elliptic curve
Checking whether a point is on the elliptic curve is easy. Just check whether your point (x,y)
fulfills the equation defining your elliptic curve : y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
(remember to perform the calculation in the correct field).
Using Bouncycastle you can do it like this:
ECCurve curve = //...
ECFieldElement x = //...
ECFieldElement y = //...
ECFieldElement a = curve.getA();
ECFieldElement b = curve.getB();
ECFieldElement lhs = y.multiply(y);
ECFieldElement rhs = x.multiply(x).multiply(x).add(a.multiply(x)).add(b);
boolean pointIsOnCurve = lhs.equals(rhs);
You have tagged the question with cryptography, so I assume you are asking about elliptic curves over a finite field. The curve will have a generator, g and an order. To get a random point, just generate a random integer, x, between 0 and (order - 1), and choose x * g.
You can do it using Bouncycastle like this:
X9ECParameters x9 = NISTNamedCurves.getByName("P-224"); // or whatever curve you want to use
ECPoint g = x9.getG();
BigInteger n = x9.getN();
int nBitLength = n.bitLength();
BigInteger x;
x = new BigInteger(nBitLength, random);
while (x.equals(ZERO) || (x.compareTo(n) >= 0));
ECPoint randomPoint = g.multiply(x);