I'm New in this FrameWork and here initial Rout is not Accepting the Loggin Session value Please help me with this. I tried to add Home with the splash screen but that also not working I'm not getting What's wrong in this.
This is my main Page
Future main() async {
statusBarColor: Colors.transparent,
statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.dark,
runApp(Phoenix(child: AmericanCuisine()));
class AmericanCuisine extends StatefulWidget {
_AmericanCuisineState createState() => _AmericanCuisineState();
class _AmericanCuisineState extends State<AmericanCuisine> {
bool isLoggedIn;
void initState() {
getData() async {
SharedPreferences storage = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
setState(() {
isLoggedIn = storage.getBool("loggedIn");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
create: (context) => LanguageCubit(),
create: (context) => ThemeCubit(),
in this page after using BlockBuilder how i To give the Initial Route
child: BlocBuilder<ThemeCubit, ThemeData>(
builder: (_, theme) {
return BlocBuilder<LanguageCubit, Locale>(
builder: (_, locale) {
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: [
const AppLocalizationsDelegate(),
supportedLocales: [
const Locale('en'),
locale: locale,
theme: theme,
//This initial rout is not working.
initialRoute: isLoggedIn == false ?'/': '/homeOrderAccount',
routes: {
// When navigating to the "/" route, build the FirstScreen widget.
'/': (context) => OpeningScreen(),
'/homeOrderAccount': (context) => HomeOrderAccount(),
You can't use initialRoute with routes map either delete '/' from the routes map or delete the initialRoute: