I have one interface and its implementations.
interface A{
String methodA();
String methodB();
public class Impl1 implements A{
public String methodA() {
return "";
public String methodB() {
return "";
public class Impl2 implements A{
public String methodA() {
return "";
public String methodB() {
return null;
What i want to intercept when any of the implementations of A interface && execution of methodB().
@Around("within(com.bla.bla.A+) && execution(* methodB(..))")
But this did not work. When i remove execution part, it works but for calling method of the outside. Any idea would be appreciated.
Note: methodb is not triggered direcly out of the interface. it triggers in interface implementations.
Spring AOP works on proxies. Calling methodB() from methodA() is called a self-invocation. Spring AOP will not be able to advice the method call to methodB() from methodA() , as it will not go through the proxy.
Spring reference documentation : Understanding AOP Proxies . Read through the section starting with The key thing to understand here is that the client code inside the main(..)