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Get multiple api calls from a device in a single R code

I am currently retrieving some numeric data from an api of a device. The code runs perfectly without errors however NOW i want to fetch data from multiple devices in a single code i.e multiple api calls if i am not wrong. These would be more than 50 calls since there are 50 devices.

I am running the following code curently for one device :

    url <-""
    geturl <-httr::GET(url,add_headers(.headers=c('key'='')))
    apidetails1<-content(geturl,"text", encoding ="UTF-8")

#and this one for second device number and so on which is inefficient

    url2 <-""
    geturl2 <-httr::GET(url2,add_headers(.headers=c('key'='')))
    apidetails2<-content(geturl2,"text", encoding ="UTF-8")

Is there any way to run multiple apis in single code ?


  • Create a vector of url's and use it in lapply :

    url <- sprintf('', data$dataf)
    lapply(urls, function(x) {
      geturl <- GET(x,add_headers(.headers=c('key'='')))  
      content(geturl,"text", encoding ="UTF-8")
    }) -> result

    If you want to combine the data into one dataframe you can do result <-, result).