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Could not find File::Find Raku on Windows 7

I've got a very simple program which lists all .txt files in a given directory. This program has run perfectly on my Mac which has the Rakudo Star version 2019.03.1

use File::Find;

my $folder="../Documents";

.say for find dir => $folder, name => /'.txt' $/;

When I've tried to run the same program on Windows 7 which had Raku 2020.12.1 it gave this:

$ raku html-adder.rk

===SORRY!=== Error while compiling C:\Users\lars\raku/html-adder.rk

Could not find File::Find in:
at C:\Users\lars\raku/html-adder.rk:12

I've updated the Raku to version Raku 2021.02.1 and the same error again. I've installed it by unzipping the i.e. without using any installer. And as regards to the Raku on Mac, I don't remember installing the File::Find module, nor do I know how to list the installed modules, i.e. I haven't checked if File::Find was installed on Mac or Windows 7.

How to make this program work on Windows 7?


  • File::Find is not built into Raku or distributed with Rakudo Star; to my knowledge, it never has been.

    It is a module in the ecosystem that you can install with Zef (use the command zef install File::Find).

    It is also a very short library. If you are interested in fixing your script without adding a dependency, you may want to check out the source code for File::Find; it is short enough that you could easily implement the same functionality yourself.