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Query Cardano Current Supply

the query for current total supply given in the doc doesn't seem to work for me, is off a fraction of a million (according to and the resulting value keeps rising with time indicating the amount of ADA that is in UTXOs rather than TotalSupply.

How do I query cardano-db-sync for total supply?


I get that the above query only considers the UTxO set for unspent transaction outputs, to which I should add the rewards which haven't been withdrawn yet.. but I am not sure how to do that as the sum of all withdrawals is bigger than the sum of all rewards given:

cexplorer=# select sum(amount) / 1000000 from reward;    

cexplorer=# select sum(amount) / 1000000 from withdrawal;    

shouldn't all rewards given be bigger than all withdrawals?


  • Thanks to some help I figure out that Withdrawal includes the ITN rewards, and I need to consider Reserve too. The right calculation (from ActiveRecord connecting to db-sync) is as follow:

    UtxoView.sum('value') + Reserve.sum('amount') + Reward.sum('amount') - Withdrawal.sum('amount')
       (8495.8ms)  SELECT SUM("utxo_view"."value") FROM "utxo_view"
       (10.9ms)  SELECT SUM("reserve"."amount") FROM "reserve"
       (231.7ms)  SELECT SUM("reward"."amount") FROM "reward"
       (36.5ms)  SELECT SUM("withdrawal"."amount") FROM "withdrawal"