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Draw circle on a new layer in Photoshop using cep/Javascript

for a photoshop plugin project, I would like to create a new layer, give it a name, draw a circle of a specific color. I'm coding in Javascript and using the framework CEP.

The coordinates of the circle to be drawn look like this:

linesStr: "2287,3474 | 2268,3430 | 2255,3398 | 2255,3360 | 2255,3315 | 2255,3264 | 2255,3207 | 2261,3162 | 2331,3047 | 2389,3003 | 2433.2977 | 2484.2965 | 2541.2946 | 2580.2946 | 2618.2946 | 2650.2952 | 2688.2971 | 2720.2990 | 2745.3022 | 2764.3054 | 2777.3086 | 2790 , 3124 | 2803.3162 | 2803.3207 | 2803.3251 | 2803.3296 | 2783.3360 | 2752.3411 | 2726.3449 | 2707.3493 | 2688.3519 | 2637.3557 | 2611.3570 | 2592.3576 | 2573.3576 | 2554.3589 | 2548.3589 | 2541.3589 | 2535.3589 | 2529.3589 | 2516.3589 | 2510.3589 | 2503.3583 | 2497.3576 | 2497.3557 | 2497.3551 | 2497 , 3525 | 2497.3512 | 2497.3493 | 2490.3481 | 2490.3455 | 2478.3442 | 2478.3423 | 2478.3417 | 2471.3398 | 2465.3391 | 2459.3372 | 2452.3366 | 2446.3366 * 2401.3328 | 2389.3321 | 2382.3321 | 2376.3321 | 2369.3315 | 2350.3309 | 2344.3302 ".

These coordinates represent this note: enter image description here

So the result should look like this :

enter image description here

I will be happy to accept any help !


  • With a little bit of adjusting the script you supplied can be adjusted to take your coordinates. You just need to supply the shape an array which'll create a path.

    The coordinates you supplied have an extraneous asterisk in it instead of a pipe delimited. As well as dots instead of commas. They are also upside down. Photoshop starts at the top left, and y increases down the image. I've compensated for that.

    Also matching pixels to vector coordinates is resolution dependant. At the moment the image is 72 dpi. if that changes it'll offset the path size.

    I replaced the fill with a draw line .

    green shape from script

    function DrawShape(arr) 
        var doc = app.activeDocument;
        var y = arr.length;
        var i = 0;
        // get original height
        var imageHeight = app.activeDocument.height.value;
        var lineArray = [];
        for (i = 0; i < y; i++) 
            lineArray[i] = new PathPointInfo;
            lineArray[i].kind = PointKind.CORNERPOINT;
            // invert Y
            arr[i][1] = imageHeight - arr[i][1];
            lineArray[i].anchor = arr[i];
            lineArray[i].leftDirection = lineArray[i].anchor;
            lineArray[i].rightDirection = lineArray[i].anchor;
        var lineSubPathArray = new SubPathInfo();
        lineSubPathArray.closed = true;
        lineSubPathArray.operation = ShapeOperation.SHAPEADD;
        lineSubPathArray.entireSubPath = lineArray;
        var myPathItem = doc.pathItems.add("myPath", [lineSubPathArray]);
        // =======================================================
        var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" );
        var desc100 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
        var ref24 = new ActionReference();
        var idChnl = charIDToTypeID( "Chnl" );
        var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
        ref24.putProperty( idChnl, idfsel );
        desc100.putReference( idnull, ref24 );
        var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
        var ref25 = new ActionReference();
        var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );
        var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
        var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
        ref25.putEnumerated( idPath, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc100.putReference( idT, ref25 );
        var idVrsn = charIDToTypeID( "Vrsn" );
        desc100.putInteger( idVrsn, 1 );
        var idvectorMaskParams = stringIDToTypeID( "vectorMaskParams" );
        desc100.putBoolean( idvectorMaskParams, true );
        executeAction( idsetd, desc100, DialogModes.NO );
        // draw a pixel line in red around the path
        stroke_line(2, 215, 5, 5);
        // remove selectrion path to pixels
        // select nothing
        // var desc88 = new ActionDescriptor();
        // var ref60 = new ActionReference();
        // ref60.putClass(stringIDToTypeID("contentLayer"));
        // desc88.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), ref60);
        // var desc89 = new ActionDescriptor();
        // var desc90 = new ActionDescriptor();
        // var desc91 = new ActionDescriptor();
        // desc91.putDouble(charIDToTypeID("Rd  "), 0.000000); // R
        // desc91.putDouble(charIDToTypeID("Grn "), 0.000000); // G
        // desc91.putDouble(charIDToTypeID("Bl  "), 0.000000); // B
        // var id481 = charIDToTypeID("RGBC");
        // desc90.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Clr "), id481, desc91);
        // desc89.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Type"), stringIDToTypeID("solidColorLayer"), desc90);
        // desc88.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Usng"), stringIDToTypeID("contentLayer"), desc89);
        // executeAction(charIDToTypeID("Mk  "), desc88, DialogModes.NO);
        // myPathItem.remove();
    function stroke_line(strokewidth, R, G, B)
    // =======================================================
    var idStrk = charIDToTypeID( "Strk" );
    var desc2613 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
    desc2613.putInteger( idWdth, strokewidth );
    var idLctn = charIDToTypeID( "Lctn" );
    var idStrL = charIDToTypeID( "StrL" );
    var idInsd = charIDToTypeID( "Insd" );
    desc2613.putEnumerated( idLctn, idStrL, idInsd );
    var idOpct = charIDToTypeID( "Opct" );
    var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
    desc2613.putUnitDouble( idOpct, idPrc, 100.000000 ); // opacity
    var idMd = charIDToTypeID( "Md  " );
    var idBlnM = charIDToTypeID( "BlnM" );
    var idNrml = charIDToTypeID( "Nrml" );
    desc2613.putEnumerated( idMd, idBlnM, idNrml );
    var idClr = charIDToTypeID( "Clr " );
    var desc2614 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idRd = charIDToTypeID( "Rd  " );
    desc2614.putDouble( idRd, R ); // RED
    var idGrn = charIDToTypeID( "Grn " );
    desc2614.putDouble( idGrn, G ); // GREEN
    var idBl = charIDToTypeID( "Bl  " );
    desc2614.putDouble( idBl, B ); // BLUE
    var idRGBC = charIDToTypeID( "RGBC" );
    desc2613.putObject( idClr, idRGBC, desc2614 );
    executeAction( idStrk, desc2613, DialogModes.NO );
    function deselect_path()
        //deselect path
        // =======================================================
        var id630 = charIDToTypeID( "Dslc" );
        var desc154 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var id631 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
        var ref127 = new ActionReference();
        var id632 = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );
        ref127.putClass( id632 );
        desc154.putReference( id631, ref127 );
        executeAction( id630, desc154, DialogModes.NO );
    var myArr = [