I have several different queries that I need to keep 'live' data from. When I hardcode the query it successfully shows all live changes that happen in the database. But when I pass a payload the data won't change until reloaded.
Working Query:
getOnline: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef }) => {
return bindFirestoreRef('online', db.collection('units').where('unit.on', '==', true).orderBy('info.timestamp', 'desc').orderBy('unit.status'))
Not working Payload Query: gets data once
getFilterSystemId: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef} , payload) => {
return bindFirestoreRef('filterBySystemId', db.collection('units').where('unit.group', '==', payload.group).orderBy('info.timestamp', 'desc').orderBy('unit.status'))
I pass the payload simply:
let payload = {
group: grouphex.toString(),
How do I pass a payload AND get live updates to any changes that happen in the database?
Ended up using vuefire instead of vuexfire and dynamically binding my queries like this.
const vuefire = db.collection('vuefire')
export default {
components: {},
data() {
return {
vuefire: [],
id: 'true',
user: [],
code: 'true'
created() {
// firestore: {
// vuefire: db.collection('vuefire')
// }
watch: {
id: {
// call it upon creation too
immediate: true,
handler(id) {
this.$bind('user', vuefire.where('a', '==', id))
Anytime 'id' changes the dataset ('user') is recomputed and accomplishes my goal