I have this script that types text itself, then deletes it and type from the beginning. Here is an example https://typedjs.webflow.io
var typed = new Typed(".typed-words", {
strings: ["Hello, my name is John."],
typeSpeed: 75,
backSpeed: 10,
backDelay: 800,
startDelay: 500,
loop: true,
showCursor: false,
cursorChar: "|",
attr: null,
so it shoes the typeSpeed 75. which means that the the phrase "Hello, my name is John." will be typed until the end in 75 whatever units.
question: is there a way to add a background color to the phrase once it finished typing itself? so let's say the phase "Hello, my name is John." finished typing, its background color becomes blue for a second and the phrase deletes itself and starts typing from the beginning? Here is an example of this background color change: https://marcusts.com/demo/
thank you
I've used onStringTyped
method to do this task (I found it from their documentation). You can check my example.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>JS Bin</title>
.last-word {
color: #299CDF;
<div class="typed-words"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/typed.js@2.0.11"></script>
var typed = new Typed(".typed-words", {
strings: ["Hello, my name is <span class='last-word'>John.</span>", "Hello, my name is <span class='last-word'>Lisa.</span>", "Hello, my name is <span class='last-word'>Beetlejuice.</span>"],
typeSpeed: 75,
backSpeed: 50,
backDelay: 800,
startDelay: 500,
loop: true,
showCursor: false,
cursorChar: "|",
attr: null,
onStringTyped: function(pos, self) {
const lastWord = document.querySelector('.last-word');
lastWord.style.background = '#7bfde7';