Seeing some stranger behavior in Java regarding functional interfaces with void
return type.
Can someone please explain why the declarations for task5
and task6
below compile?
public class Test {
private static int counter;
private static void testRunnable() {
/* Runnable has a void return type so the following won't compile.
* Error message is Void methods cannot return a value. (Java 67108969) Makes sense... */
// Runnable task1 = () -> { return counter; };
// Runnable task2 = () -> { return counter + 1; };
// Runnable task3 = () -> counter;
// Runnable task4 = () -> counter + 1;
/* But for some reason, this is totally acceptable. Why? */
Runnable task5 = () -> counter++;
Runnable task6 = () -> ++counter;
The lambda expression () -> counter++;
is valid as counter++;
is a statement expression. This is explicitly permitted in the JLS:
If the function type's result is void, the lambda body is either a statement expression (§14.8) or a void-compatible block.
And for the statement expression's definition:
An expression statement is executed by evaluating the expression; if the expression has a value, the value is discarded.
If you read the whole JLS 15.27.3, you'll see why () -> {return counter + 1;}
is not void-compatible. A lambda body is not validated with the exact same rules as the simple expression statement.
In other words, counter++;
and ++counter;
are statement expressions, meaning that the expression can be evaluated and be treated as a statement whose result is simply discarded.
It's clearer (or rather more familiar-looking) when converted to a block body:
Runnable task5 = () -> {
counter++; //result discarded, but you can't use "return counter++;"
Runnable task6 = () -> {
++counter; //result discarded, but you can't use "return ++counter;"
This has nothing to do with UnaryOperator
, at least as far as that functional interface is concerned. It just happens that counter++
is compatible with IntUnaryOperator
, but the expression could have been anything else, including (but not limited to) the following, and your question would still apply as the statement yields a result:
Runnable task5 = () -> counter += 1;
Runnable task6 = () -> counter = counter + 1;
Runnable task7 = () -> Math.addExact(counter, 1); // no change in counter
Runnable task8 = () -> return2(); //return2 takes no input
All these are int-producing expressions that are congruent with
. Specifically, task8
takes no input but produces a result; and it is not even compatible with any unary operator functional interface.