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How to retrieve/set header using functional approach in spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-streams:3.1.1

I am using spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-streams:3.1.1 with functional programming. How can I retrieve all headers in processor function

Java code

public class KafkaMessageApplication {
    public static void main(String args[]) {, args);

    public Function<KStream<String, String>, KStream<String, String>> process() {
        // TODO investigate headers on the incoming message
        // For example, find partition key on which message was received and publish to same partition key on destination topic
        return input -> input;


  • In order to access the headers like that, you need to use the low-level processor/transformer API in Kafka Streams. You can mix the low-level processor API and the DSL while still is using it as a Spring Cloud Stream application. See this for more details. Basically, you need to use the processor in the case of a consumer and the transformer in the case of a function. The processor is a terminal API and does not allow you to continue further. On the other hand, when using the transformer, you can continue it as a KStream after examining the headers. For example, here is an idea:

    input -> input
                        .transform(new TransformerSupplier<String, String, KeyValue<String, String>>() {
                            public Transformer<String, String, KeyValue<String, String>> get() {
                                return new Transformer<Object, String, KeyValue<Object, String>>() {
                                    ProcessorContext context;
                                    public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
                                        this.context = context;
                                    public KeyValue<Object, String> transform(Object key, String value) {
    // Here you can access the headers using this.context.headers()
                                        return new KeyValue<>(key, value);
                                    public void close() {

    Look at the comment inside the transform method. There, you get access to the headers on each incoming record.

    By looking at your question, I see that you are trying to get the partition id of the incoming record. For that, you can directly call context.partition(). I don't think you need to access the headers for that.

    Here is an SO thread on accessing headers.