I have a base64 image that I need to convert into a .tiff format. Is there a (pure) javascript way to do it please ?
NB : I saw base64 encoding was just a compress of the original file, I did this to recover the original file but now have to transform it to tiff
function urltoFile(url, filename, mimeType){
mimeType = mimeType || (url.match(/^data:([^;]+);/)||'')[1];
return (fetch(url)
.then(function(res){return res.arrayBuffer();})
.then(function(buf){return new File([buf], filename, {type:mimeType});})
The framework I use (CEP) allow to convert local file into tiff format using this code :
//save the file in tiff format in a specified fodler
csInterface.evalScript(`exportFile()`, function(path) {
console.log("saved at",path);
//in jsx
function exportFile() {
Folder((fnp = (aD = activeDocument).fullName.parent + '/folder/')).create();
aD.saveAs(File(fnp + aD.name), new TiffSaveOptions(), true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
return activeDocument.fullName;
//then u can get it with this code
csInterface.evalScript('app.documents[0].fullName.fsName', function(res) {
//give the location of the current document
let path = res;
path = res.substring(0, res.lastIndexOf("\\"));
let fileName = res.substring(res.lastIndexOf("\\"));
fileName = fileName.substr(1, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + "tif";
path += "\\folder\\" + fileName;
let fileInBase64 = window.cep.fs.readFile(path, cep.encoding.Base64);
//transform the path to match the tif file
//let fileName = res.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop();
urltoFile('data:image/png;base64,'+fileInBase64.data, fileName)