I am trying to make a condition where looping through an object and displaying some checkboxes, when the value of a property is true to check the checkbox and when the value is false to make he checkbox unchecked. Checkboxes must be disabled.
What I have as an object is:
abilities: {
ABA: true,
CCA: false,
DENVER: true,
DIR: false,
ICF: false,
LIS: false,
PIVOTAL: false,
TTEACH: false
What I have tried is:
<v-col md="3" v-for="(value, index) in getSingleUser.abilities" :key="index" :value="value">
<v-checkbox v-if="value = true" :label="index" v-model="Check" disabled ></v-checkbox>
<v-checkbox v-else :label="index" v-model="Uncheck" disabled ></v-checkbox>
data() {
return {
Check: true,
Uncheck: false,
And what it looks like:
But I want first and third checked and the others unchecked.
PS: Sorry for the explanation I am new to this.
i think you made a mistake in condition
it should not v-if="value = True", it should be v-if="value" or v-if="value == true"
<v-col md="3" v-for="(value, index) in getSingleUser.abilities" :key="index" :value="value">
<v-checkbox v-if="value" :label="index" v-model="Check" disabled ></v-checkbox>
<v-checkbox v-else :label="index" v-model="Uncheck" disabled ></v-checkbox>
but surely you can optimize your code block. but i just gave answer of the problem