Given a circular doubly linked list deck
(possesing field head
) which has nodes card
(possessing fields next
and prev
), I want to perform a "triple-cut" on the deck, which is defined as picking two cards in the deck and the elements before the first card are replaced with the elements after the second card. The method has to be O(1)
My idea is to generate two new circular doubly linked lists deck1 and deck2 and store the left part of the deck and the right part in them, respectively.I made the following picture to better explain what I am trying to achieve:
Here follows my coding attempt, the issue arises when trying to slice 'this' deck, and recombining the sliced deck with the new 2 decks in appropriate order.
public void tripleCut(Card firstCard, Card secondCard) {
// inputs : firstCard = 3H
// inputs : secondCard = 2C
// this deck : AC 2D 3H 4D AD 4H 4C AH 2C RJ 3C BJ 3D 2H
// deck 3
Deck d3 = new Deck();
d3.head =;
secondCard = d3.head.prev;
d3.head.prev = this.head.prev;
// d3.head = RJ
// d3.head.prev = 2H
//deck 1
Deck d1 = new Deck();
d1.head = this.head;
d1.head.prev = firstCard.prev;
// d1.head = AC
// d1.head.prev = 2D
// Slicing the two decks from 'this' deck
this.head.prev = secondCard; = this.head;
this.head = firstCard;
firstCard.prev = secondCard;
this.head.prev = secondCard; this.head;;
head.prev = d1.head.prev;
When I try to recombine the decks I get nonsense, suggesting that what I did above is incorrect. How would you guys approach this problem? Even pseudo-code would hewlp, I have been stuck on this for far to long I am really lost.
I have not tested this and its one of the possible approach.