I am a developer who has just started programming shaders.
I'm making a shader that renders shadows while using alphatest in a Unity URP environment.
However, as shown in the following figure, there is a problem that the shadows are rendered the same even though they are different objects.
I checked in the Frame Debugger that the texture doesn't change when creating the Shadowmap.
The project environment is as follows:
Unity version: 2019.4.21
URP version: 7.5.3
Project repository: https://github.com/lklab/UnityURPAlphaTestShadow
My shader code: https://github.com/lklab/UnityURPAlphaTestShadow/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/URPAlphaTestUnlitShadow.shader
I would be very grateful if you could help.
※ I'm already using Opaque and AlphaTest (AlphaClip).
I solved it.
The problem was due to the SRP batcher.
I solved it by writing the same CBUFFER for all passes in the shader like this:
half4 _MainTex_ST;
half4 _LightTex_ST;
I have also updated the Project repository.