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How to implement room to room file sharing system using and nodejs larger than 1mb?

I want to implement room to room file sharing system so users can send images to their respective rooms to all user can see it and I have tried using base64 encoding method to emit sender image file to specific room but it can send only approximately 700kb to 800kb file.

Is there any easier way of doing this and can support larger files above 1mb and it should be able to load images progressively?

I am using ejs template engine, nodejs,, javascript.

Console.log("please help me guys if you any idea about this, I tried many things but none of them are working and I have read the documentation but didn't get any clue about it

I have also tried binary streaming but got no luck please help me guys with some codes samples


  • You will probably find it easier for the client to upload the file to your http server with a room name and then have your http server send a message to all the other clients in the room via with a URL where the client can download the file using http. is just not a streaming protocol, it's a packet or message-based protocol so to send large things, it has to be broken up into messages and then reassembled on the client. This can be done, but it's just extra non-standard work that http uploads and downloads already know how to do.

    Here would be the steps:

    1. Client uploads file to server via http post with the room name as a field in the form.
    2. Server receives uploaded file, assigns it a unique ID and stores it in a temporary location on the server on disk.
    3. When file upload completes server notifies all other clients in the room via that the file is uploaded and ready for download and sends them the URL for download that has the uniqueID in it.
    4. Each client sends request to download the file via http using the unique URL they received.
    5. Server serves the file to each client as requested over http.
    6. Server either keeps track of whether all clients have now finished downloading or just removes the file after some period of time based on timestamp of the file (to just clean up disk space) with some regular cleanup function on a recurring timer.

    You can create a single route that handles all the downloads:

    const downloadRoot = "/temp/filexfer";
    app.get("/download/:id", (req, res) => {
        const fullPath = path.resolve(path.join(downloadRoot,;
        // detect any leading . or any double .. that might jump outside
        // the downloadRoot and get to other parts of the server
        if (!fullPath.startsWith(downloadRoot)) {
             console.log(`Unsafe download request ${fullPath}`);

    A cleanup algorithm could look like this:

    const fsp = require('fs').promises;
    const path = require('path');
    const oneHour = 1000 * 60 * 60;
    // run cleanup once per hour
    let cleanupTimer = setInterval(async () => {
        let oneHourOld = - oneHour;
        try {
            let files = await fsp.readdir(downloadRoot, {withFileTypes: true});
            for (let f of files) {
                 if (f.isFile()) {
                     let fullName = path.join(downloadRoot,;
                     let info = await fsp.stat(fullName);
                     // if file modification time is older than one hour, remove it
                     if (info.mtimeMs <= oneHourOld) {
                         fsp.unlink(fullName).catch(err => {
                             // log error, but continue
                             console.log(`Can't remove temp download file ${fullName}`, err);
        } catch(e) {
    }, oneHour);
    // unref the timer so it doesn't stop node.js from exiting naturally