I am trying to loop through 2 variables together in R.
Here is what I have
for (x in c(gl_50, gl_100, gl_200,gl_300,gl_400,gl_500,gl_600, gl16)) {
for (y in c(50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 670)) {
gi_x <- gl2gi(x)
sum_x <- basic.stats(gi_x)
ind<-colMeans(sum_x$n.ind.samp, na.rm=T)
Ho<-colMeans(sum_x$Ho, na.rm = T)
Hs<-colMeans(sum_x$Hs, na.rm = T)
Fis<-colMeans(sum_x$Fis, na.rm = T)
sum<-data.frame(cbind(ind, Ho, Hs, Fis))
sum$snp_no <- rep(y)
The current result is the loop runs gl_50 with all values of y then gl_100 with all values of y and so on. What I want is gl_50 with 50, gl_100 with 100, gl_200 with 200 and so on.
Generally, you should loop through their indices and access them like:
a <- c(gl_50, gl_100, gl_200,gl_300,gl_400,gl_500,gl_600, gl16)
b <- c(50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 670)
for (i in seq_along(a)) {