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Nested Eloquent Relation - HasOneThrough Issue

I have below setup for tables:

Product_variant Table

Product_variant -> id, name, code, image

Warehouse table

Warehouse -> id, name, address

Product Variant Stock table

Product_Variant_stock -> stock_id, warehouse_id, variant_id, stock_qty

Now, what i need to get information is about in which Warehouse, variant has been stored, when i try to access product variant information.

What i have tried in ProductVariation model:

public function warehouseName()
    return $this->hasOneThrough(Warehouse::class, ProductVariantStock::class, 'warehouse_id', 'id');

Above is not working as expected. Any help is appreciated.


  • laravel hasOneThrough works like this

    class ModelA extends Model
        public function cModel()
            return $this->hasOneThrough(
                'model_a_id', // Key on B that relates to A
                'model_c_id', // Key on C that relates to B
                'a_id',       // Key on A that relates to B
                'b_id',       // Key on B that relates to C

    so your code will be

    public function warehouseName()
        return $this->hasOneThrough(Warehouse::class, ProductVariantStock::class, 'variant_id', 'id', 'id', 'warehouse_id');