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How do I change the AR camera so it displays in two images (stereo)?

I am developing a AR prototype in Unity that recognises targets and displays animated models on them. I want to use this prototype with google cardboard, therefore I need it to work in stereo camera.

I tried to change the Device Type in AR camera inspector > Vuforia Engine Configuration > Digital Eyewear, from ¨handheld¨ to ¨phone + viewer¨. (I am following what is done in this tutorial

When I do this, everything stays the same (camera doesn´t change to stereo) and a black background called Backgroundplane shows up when I am in play mode, so I can´t see the real environment anymore.

Any ideas what may cause this or how could I do it differently?

Many thanks in advance!


Inspector ¨phone+viewer¨

play mode Backgroundplane


  • Problem solved: the issue was in the player configuration.

    I solved it following this path, I leave the link here for anyone with the same issue: