I'm using JIB (not super relevant) and I want to pass in variables from command line in my deployment script.
I append using -PinputTag=${DOCKER_TAG} -PbuildEnv=nonprod
in my gradle command, which is cool. But when it's missing, I want that ternary to kick in.
I'm getting the error:
Could not get unknown property 'inputTag' for project ':webserver' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
def inputTag = inputTag ?: 'latest'
def buildEnv = buildEnv ?: 'nonprod'
jib {
container {
mainClass = 'com.example.hi'
to {
image = 'image/cool-image'
tags = ['latest', inputTag]
container {
ports = ['8080']
jvmFlags = ['-Dspring.profiles.active=' + buildEnv]
def inputTag = project.hasProperty('inputTag') ? project.property('inputTag') : 'latest'
def buildEnv = project.hasProperty('buildEnv') ? project.property('buildEnv') : 'nonprod'
This seems to be working, is this the best way?
How about this?
image = 'image/cool-image:' + (project.findProperty('inputTag') ?: 'latest')
Note jib.to.tags
are additional tags. jib.to.image = 'image/cool-image'
already implies image/cool-image:latest
, so no need to duplicate latest
in jib.to.tags