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Why Vert.x codegen fails to create rx-fied classes?

For some reason my 4.0.2 based code doesn't produce rx-fied service versions with codegen.

Both VertxEBProxy and VertxProxyHandler classes are created as expected though.

Here is a demo project:

Please see the required dependencies below:

implementation "io.vertx:vertx-core:$vertxVersion"
implementation "io.vertx:vertx-rx-java2:$vertxVersion"
implementation "io.vertx:vertx-codegen:$vertxVersion"
implementation "io.vertx:vertx-service-proxy:$vertxVersion"
implementation "io.vertx:vertx-rx-java2-gen:$vertxVersion"

annotationProcessor "io.vertx:vertx-codegen:$vertxVersion:processor"
annotationProcessor "io.vertx:vertx-service-proxy:$vertxVersion"

What would be missing in this case?


  • You have to add io.vertx:vertx-rx-java2-gen:$vertxVersion as an annotationProcessor and testAnnotationProcessor. After I did that, I had the classes get generated:
