I'm trying to sum nutritional values nested inside food objects:
id: 'Potato',
nutrition: [
{ id: 'PROT', val: 4 },
{ id: 'SUGAR', val: 1 }
id: 'Banana',
nutrition: [
{ id: 'FIB', val: 10 },
{ id: 'SUGAR', val: 4 }
I use Array.prototype.reduce() to do so:
foods.reduce((acc, { nutrition }) => {
nutrition.map((x) => {
let current = acc.find((y) => y.id === x.id)
if (current) current.val += x.val
else acc.push(x)
return acc
}, [])
This works, but it manipulates my original array and I cannot figure out why. I have tried to use the spread-operator and let/var but to no avail. How can I achieve what I want without side-effects?
You can make use of reduce
and forEach
and take Object.values
in last, something like this:
const foods = [ { id: 'Potato', nutrition: [ { id: 'PROT', val: 4 }, { id: 'SUGAR', val: 1 } ] }, { id: 'Banana', nutrition: [ { id: 'FIB', val: 10 }, { id: 'SUGAR', val: 4 } ] }];
const result = Object.values(foods.reduce((a,{nutrition})=>{
nutrition.forEach(({id, val})=>{
(a[id] ??= {id, val:0}).val+=val;
return a;