For my project I want to use SymJava. The README there requires me to install the Java Operator Overloading support. Since I am using Intellij IDEA (Version 2019.1.2), I tried to follow the directive given. However, I am confused by the second step:
- Add javac8-oo-plugin.jar as compile or processor library.
What is meant by "compile or processor library"?
Also a note: I did the first step before. This made Intellij IDEA ask me to restart the IDE. When I did that, a fatal error initializing the plugin occured when re-opening the IDE and my project:
What may be my misunderstanding in the process? I am using Java 15.0.1 here. Is that the problem perhaps, since it says something about using Java 8? I assumed it should work with later versions nevertheless.
Since I need to use this newer Java version, is it impossible for me to use SymJava then? And if so, can you recommend an alternative library similar to this (which is a Java counterpart to SymPy)?
- Add javac8-oo-plugin.jar as compile or processor library.
Means that you need to add this jar to the module classpath by adding it as a module library. This will add it to compile classpath and to processor path if you have the Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Annotation Processors | | Obtain processors from project classpath option enabled.
a fatal error initializing the plugin occured when re-opening the IDE and my project:
Double check the plugin zip archive file is not corrupted and is compatible with this IDE version. Btw I was unable to download it from github from the README instrucitons. You may need to better contact the repository author about this.