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JSDOM: removing once-nested blockquotes but leave 2+-nested blockquotes

I'm trying to edit some HTML using JSDOM within Node.JS. I want any <blockquote> that is the child of at most one surrounding <div> to be removed. But I want any <blockquote> tag that is inside two or more <div>s to remain. I have read this question but I am still confused. You can see what I have tried in this JSFiddle. Here is the original HTML:

    <div id="div1">
        <blockquote>Text 1</blockquote>
    <div id="div2"> 
        <div id="div3"> 
            <blockquote>Text 2</blockquote>
            <div id="div4">
                <blockquote>Text 3</blockquote>
<span onclick="removeblockquotes(this)">Change</span>

Should turn into

    <div id="div1">
        Text 1
    <div id="div2"> 
        <div id="div3"> 
            <blockquote>Text 2</blockquote>
            <div id="div4">
                <blockquote>Text 3</blockquote>

Here is the function I have tried so far, but it isn't working (none of the blockquotes are changing):

function removeblockquotes(e)
var x = document.querySelectorAll("blockquote"); 
    if (y.parentNode.parentNode==null){


  • Just chain two .closest calls onto each blockquote to see if there's more than one surrounding div:

    for (const b of document.querySelectorAll('blockquote')) {
      if (!b.closest('div')?.parentElement.closest('div')) {
    <div id="div1">
        <blockquote>Text 1</blockquote>
    <div id="div2"> 
        <div id="div3"> 
            <blockquote>Text 2</blockquote>
            <div id="div4">
                <blockquote>Text 3</blockquote>

    (you need a single .parentElement because .closest will return the element it's called on if it matches)