I'm trying to find the time taken for an element to load using this code but doesn't work.
Expected Result: Total time taken is 90 seconds(or in milliseconds)
const start = cy.log(dayjs.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS));
const end = cy.log(dayjs.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS));
const diff = dayjs(end).unix() - dayjs(start).unix();
const timetaken = dayjs.utc(diff).format("HH.mm.ss.SSS");
It gets a bit tricky because Cypress runs things in a command queue, you need to run (most) dayjs commands in .then()
Here's a simple example
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
const duration = require('dayjs/plugin/duration')
it('times loading a site and selecting an element', () => {
const start = dayjs();
let end;
cy.get('h1').then(() => {
// ensure end is set only after get command finishes
// by using a .then()
end = dayjs();
cy.log(`start: ${start.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`end: ${end.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`diff: ${dayjs.duration(end.diff(start)).$ms} ms` )
If you want to do some more testing steps before diffing, you can use Cypress aliases to keep a hold of the start and end.
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
const duration = require('dayjs/plugin/duration')
it('times loading a site using aliases', () => {
cy.get('h1').then(() => {
cy.wrap(dayjs()).as('end'); // must wrap "end" inside a .then()!
// other test stuff here
cy.get('@start').then(start => {
cy.get('@end').then(end => {
cy.log(`start: ${start.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`end: ${end.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`diff: ${dayjs.duration(end.diff(start)).$ms} ms` )