I need to get when TASK is overallocated (because one or more resources are overallocated). I am already able to get overallocated resources, but since for the app the resource (if overallocated) is ALWAYS overallocated, so I have to identify only when the resource for the specific TASK is overallocated.
I mean, The red-man in Indicators column is exactly what I want to get:
So, how can I identify (using VBA) all the tasks with red man in indicators column?
Many thanks in advance R
The correct property would be Task.Overallocated except that it doesn't seem to work--the value is always False (or "No" when shown in the Gantt Chart view).
The work-around is to loop through the resources using the Resource.Overallocated property (which does work) and then loop through the assignments for over-allocated resources to find the tasks on the over-allocated days.
Note: It is important to get the collection of TimeScaleValues at the resource level to get the total assigned to that resource for each day (e.g. use Set tsvs = res.TimeScaleData...
instead of Set tsvs = asn.TimeScaleData...
Sub FindOverAllocatedTasks()
Dim overAllocTasks As New Collection
Dim res As Resource
For Each res In ActiveProject.Resources
If res.overAllocated Then
Dim maxMinutes As Double
maxMinutes = res.MaxUnits * 60 * ActiveProject.HoursPerDay
Dim asn As Assignment
For Each asn In res.Assignments
Dim tsvs As TimeScaleValues
Set tsvs = res.TimeScaleData(asn.Start, asn.Finish, pjResourceTimescaledWork, pjTimescaleDays)
Dim tsv As TimeScaleValue
For Each tsv In tsvs
If VarType(tsv.Value) = vbDouble Then
If tsv.Value > maxMinutes Then
If Not Contains(overAllocTasks, CStr(asn.Task.UniqueID)) Then
overAllocTasks.Add asn.Task, CStr(asn.Task.UniqueID)
End If
End If
End If
Next tsv
Next asn
End If
Next res
MsgBox overAllocTasks.Count
End Sub
Public Function Contains(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
Dim obj As Variant
On Error GoTo err
Contains = True
obj = col(key)
Exit Function
Contains = False
End Function