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Async generator class stuck on infinite loop javascript

I'm trying to get the following async generator to work:

class MyIterator {
  constructor(m) {
    this.collection = m;

   async *[Symbol.iterator]() {
      for (let item of this.collection) {
        const resultItem = await Promise.resolve(item)
        console.log("item: ", resultItem)
        yield resultItem
(async () => {
  const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
  let times = 0
  for await (let thing of iterator) {
    console.log("thing: ", thing)

    // this is here to avoid an infinite loop
    if (times > 1000) break

But it ends up in an infinite loop, and thing is always undefined.

item: 1
thing: undefined
item: 2
thing: undefined
item: 3
thing: undefined (x999)

I've tried a similar code, but this time without the Promise/async behaviour, and it seems to work just fine.

class MyIterator {
  constructor(m) {
    this.collection = m;

   *[Symbol.iterator]() {
      for (let item of this.collection) {
        console.log("item: ", item)
        yield item

const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
for (let thing of iterator) {
  console.log("thing: ", thing)
item: 1
thing: 1
item: 2
thing: 2
item: 3
thing: 3


  • The for await..of construct will attempt to iterate over an async iterator.

    An async iterator is defined using the @@asyncIterator well-known symbol:

    class MyIterator {
      constructor(m) {
        this.collection = m;
       async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { //<-- this is async
          for (let item of this.collection) {
            const resultItem = await Promise.resolve(item)
            //console.log("item: ", resultItem)
            yield resultItem
    (async () => {
      const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
      let times = 0
      for await (let thing of iterator) {
        //no infinite loop
        console.log("thing: ", thing) 

    for await..of can also consume plain iterables that produce promises:

    const promiseArray = [Promise.resolve("a"), Promise.resolve("b"), Promise.resolve("c")];
    (async function() {
      for await(const item of promiseArray) {

    Attempting to make a regular iterator that is an async method/function does not work.

    If you want to keep your @@iterator defined method your the best choice is to make it produce promises instead:

    class MyIterator {
      constructor(m) {
        this.collection = m;
       *[Symbol.iterator]() { // not async
          for (let item of this.collection) {
            yield Promise.resolve(item); //produce a promise
    (async () => {
      const iterator = new MyIterator([1,2,3])
      let times = 0
      for await (let thing of iterator) {
        console.log("thing: ", thing)

    Although, that's might be a bad practice if any of the promises rejects:

    const wait = (ms, val) =>
      new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms, val));
    const fail = (ms, val) =>
      new Promise((_, rej) => setTimeout(rej, ms, val));
    const arr = [ 
      wait(100, 1), 
      wait(150, 2), 
      fail(0, "boom"), 
      wait(200, 3)
    (async function(){
      try {
        for await (const item of arr) {
      } catch (e) {
    /* result in the browser console:
    Uncaught (in promise) boom

    Screenshot of the browser console from running the above snippet. Results are identical to the comment left in at the end of the snippet.

    However, be aware that there is a difference in semantics between these:

    • A regular iterator produces an IteratorResult - an object with value and done properties.

    const syncIterable = {
      [Symbol.iterator]() {
        return {
          next() {
            return {value: 1, done: true}
    const syncIterator = syncIterable[Symbol.iterator]();
    console.log("sync IteratorResult",;

    • An async generator produces a promise for an IteratorResult

    const asyncIterable = {
      [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
        return {
          next() {
            return Promise.resolve({value: 2, done: true});
    const asyncIterator = asyncIterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](); => console.log("async IteratorResult", result));

    • Finally, an iterator that produces promises will have an IteratorResult where value is a promise:

    const promiseSyncIterable = {
      [Symbol.iterator]() {
        return {
          next() {
            return {value: Promise.resolve(3), done: true}
    const promiseSyncIterator = promiseSyncIterable[Symbol.iterator]();
    const syncPromiseIteratorResult =;
    console.log("sync IteratorResult with promise", syncPromiseIteratorResult);
      .then(value => console.log("value of sync IteratorResult with promise", value));

    Side-note on nomenclature: MyIterator is not an iterator. An iterator is an object with a next() method which produces an IteratorResult. An object that you can iterate over has an @@iterator (or @@asyncIterable) method and it is called iterable (or async iterable respectively).