Testing in Node JS the following modules layout, looks like local exported definitions always replace external exported in case of name collision (see f1 in B.js).
export const f1 = 'A'
export * from './A.js'
export const f1 = 'B'
import * as A from './A.js'
import * as B from './B.js'
> node C.js
// A
// B
Is this a rule? I have not found something about how to manage this in Ecmascript specs.
Does import/export order matter?
Do you see this as a reliable method for extending a module overloading functions and/or adding new ones?
Is this a rule? I have not found something about how to manage this in Ecmascript specs.
Yes, Local exports have priority. Which is, in fact, standardized in the spec:
Specifically the starExport
in your case is part of:
For each ExportEntry Record e in module.[[StarExportEntries]], do
c. Let starNames be requestedModule.GetExportedNames(exportStarSet).
d. For each element n of starNames, do
i. If SameValue(n, "default") is false, then
1. If n is not an element of exportedNames, then
a. Append n to exportedNames.
So, to answer your second question:
Do you see this as a reliable method for extending a module overloading functions and/or adding new ones?
Yes, it's reliable because it's specified in the standard.