Is there a way I can use spring scheduler which changes the fixedRate based on time of day?
For eg: a method should run with a rate of 1000ms for 10-12am And then switch to 5000ms after 12am
Or do I have to create multiple methods with different crons?
Using @Scheduled, try this:
public class ScheduledConfiguration {
@Scheduled(cron = "* * 10-11 * * ?")
@Scheduled(cron = "0/5 * 0-9,12-23 * * ?")
public void execScheduledTask() {
System.out.println("Now: " + new Date());
You need to use two cron configurations:
* * 10-11 * * ?: every second, of every minute, if the hour part of today is 10 or 11, of every day, of every month, every day of the week.
0/5 * 0-9,12-23 * * ?: every 5 seconds starting at 0 seconds, of every minute, if the hour part of today is between 0 and 9 or between 12 and 23, of every day, of every month, every day of the week