I have created a formArray in angular to represent Nominee's distribution which has two fields Name and Proportion. Plus button(+) adds a new row and (X) button deletes current row. Now I want to code for a validation such that total of proportion column must be 100% (No matter how many nominees' name it consists)
No Name Proportion
1 Andy 100
(Sum of proportion is 100)
No Name Proportion
1 Andy 60
2 Bruce 40
(Sum of proportion is 100)
No Name Proportion
1 Andy 60
2 Bruce 20
3 Ciao 20
(Sum of proportion is 100)
Here is my component.html code
<div class="row">
<form novalidate [formGroup]="FormNominees">
<div clas="col-xs-12 form-group marL40">
<div formGroupName="itemRows">
<ng-container *ngIf="FormNominees.controls.itemRows!=null">
<div *ngFor="let itemrow of FormNominees.controls.itemRows.controls; let i = index"
<div class="row">
class="example-full-width d-block input-small-size col-sm-2.4"
<input matInput placeholder="Name" formControlName="name">
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.name.touched && f9.name.errors?.required">It is mandatory
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.name.touched && f9.name.errors?.pattern">Can only contain characters.
class="example-full-width d-block input-small-size col-sm-2.4"
<input matInput placeholder="Relationship"
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.relationship.touched && f9.relationship.errors?.required">It is mandatory
class="example-full-width d-block input-small-size col-sm-2.4"
<mat-select formControlName="gender" placeholder="Gender">
<mat-option value="Male">Male</mat-option>
<mat-option value="Female">Female</mat-option>
<mat-option value="Other">Other</mat-option>
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.gender.touched && f9.gender.errors?.required">It is mandatory
class="example-full-width d-block input-small-size col-sm-2.4"
<input matInput placeholder="phone" formControlName="phone">
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.phone.touched && f9.phone.errors?.required">It is mandatory
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.phone.touched && f9.phone.errors?.pattern">Can only contain numbers.
class="example-full-width d-block input-small-size col-sm-2.4"
<input matInput placeholder="Proportion"
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.gratuityProportion.touched && f9.gratuityProportion.errors?.required">It is mandatory
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.gratuityProportion.touched && f9.gratuityProportion.errors?.pattern">Can only contain numbers.
<mat-error *ngIf="f9.gratuityProportion.touched && f9.gratuityProportion.errors?.proportionValidator">Total must be 100%.
<div class="col-sm-2.4">
<button (click)="deleteRow(i)" class="btn btn-danger">x</button>
<!-- </div>
<div class="form-group"> -->
<button type="button" (click)="addnewRow()"
class="btn btn-primary">+</button>
</div> <br>
Here is my component.ts code
import { proportionValidator } from './proportion.validator';
selector: 'app-component',
templateUrl: './component.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./component.component.scss']
export class GratuityComponent implements OnInit {
FormNominees: FormGroup;
TotalRow: number;
itemFB: any;
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.FormNominees = this.fb.group({
itemRows: this.fb.array([this.initItemRow()])
initItemRow() {
this.itemFB = this.fb.group({
name: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z0-9. ]*' )]],
relationship: ['', Validators.required],
phone: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z0-9. ]*' )]],
gratuityProportion: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('^[0-9]*$'), proportionValidator] ],
gender:['', Validators.required],
employeeUniqueId: '00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001'
return this.itemFB;
addnewRow() {
const control = <FormArray>this.FormNominees.controls['itemRows'];
deleteRow(index: number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.FormNominees.controls['itemRows'];
// control.push(this.initItemRow())
if (control != null) {
this.TotalRow = control.value.length;
if (this.TotalRow > 1) {
} else {
alert('One record is mandatory');
return false;
get f9() {return this.itemFB.controls;}
Now, my question is what code should I write in proportion.validator.ts to achieve the condition?
const arr = new FormArray(
new FormControl('Nancy'),
new FormControl('Drew')
validators: myValidator //<- this is where your proportion validator goes
In your case, it looks like this:
this.FormNominees = this.fb.group({
itemRows: this.fb.array(
validators: proportionValidator